Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Balance.

More from Barbara:

10/19/13 - We did some amazing exercises on Saturday. Have you ever done negative pull-ups? I would highly recommend them they will forever make your lats super duper sore. Lisa is very sensitive to my back injury. It is up to me however to let her know if exercise really hurts or I can't do it because of my back. I'm not so good at that. We did an army crawl with me dragging a 25 pound weight behind me with my feet. That did not go well for my back. But I didn't say anything about it and I don't want to say anything about it because I wanted to feel like I could do everything. I didn't want to feel like a wimp so I kept doing it and my back paid for it for sure! The reality is if I'm not honest with other people and myself ASAP my body is going to fall apart. I'm the only one in charge of it and I'm also the only one who knows what it can do and what I can't do. That's a balance I struggle with. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday Cooking Gone "Skinny"

Keep this handy while cooking during the Holidays and everyday!  
Thanks to Melissa Abbott for putting this together!  
Have questions?  Email Melissa:  melissa.abbott@wdhospital.com

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Ran a Marathon. Trained 6 Months.... Not ONCE did I get runner's high!!!"

We are catching you up on Barb's logs from the Pro Fitness Program.   Here's her 3rd Session thoughts!   (Barb, be honest from now on!!!)   :) 

10/16/13 – Time 3! Down 5 lbs. since the 1st. I’ll take it. 

My back is still a huge issue but I am just doing going through the motions hoping that soon it will vanish. We talked a lot, as I was stretching of course, about the importance of diet. Oh yeah and cardio is important too. The two things that I loathe, to my very core are cardio and tracking what I eat. 

Here is the plan. 

Tracking is getting better and better. It is getting easier for me to make good choices of what to eat and how much. Slowly healthy eating is becoming a part of my life. I can’t say anymore that I loathe tracking what I eat anymore. MMmmmMmm. If that’s true of diet could that be true, gulp, eventually of cardio?! I am starting a couch to 5k with my husband. Let me be clear my couch will ALWAYS be there. Let’s see if I can take up less room when I sit on it J (side note: I did complete a full marathon.  In case you hear that around and say “hey this girl loves to run. She is not being truthful.” Let me steer you in the right direction. I trained for 6 months to complete a marathon of 26.2 miles in HAWAII for Train To End Stroke. It was a fundraising event done less than 3 years after my stroke! I was a very active spokesperson for the American Heart and Stroke Association. So I did it. 5 days a week for six months. Not once did I get the runners high. Not once did I not count every second. Since December of 2005 I have not run. Yes for a short time here and there on the treadmill or in cardio party but that’s it!)

Lisa and I also talked about goals. Her New Year’s Resolution is not to make a weight loss goal. How awesome is that. It makes perfect sense. Resolutions can be fun, who would have thought it. I love it. This Lisa. She is full of it! Knowledge that is.

Tracking and Thanksgiving... have you made a plan for yourself?  The Holidays are here!  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 2... "Volume" eater! Are you one too?

Keep reading about Barbara's journey with her trainer and her experience at The Works!   Catch up on past blog posts and feel free to support and follow her! 

10/12/13 – I have been tracking my diet like crazy. Yes it is a pain to track everything that goes into my mouth but it is definitely doing some good. It is so interesting to see what a portion size is. I for sure can’t trust my lying eyes. Even though I’ve tracked before I forget just what equals a tablespoon or how much a cup really is. I am a “volume” (Lisa’s word I LOVE it) eater so measuring my food is a must.  Lisa follows me on my fitness pal (the app I use to log all my foods) and I follow her. I am totally accountable to her. Good and bad. I love looking at what she enters and have even found a new love. Quest bars. I kept seeing her logging. Part of my inner monologue was “protein bars are NOT great for you and have as much sugar as a candy bar. Maybe Lisa isn’t so perfect after all.” Not the case. I got one and WOW! I love them. They are so yummy tons of different flavors, 1 to 2 grams of sugar and a great alternative to a protein shake.

This morning Lisa and I met for time 2! She went gentle on my back and we did lots of TRX stuff. It is so wonderful to have someone who is just focused on you! I have never had one-on-one training before and it’s amazing. Lisa’s attention is all on me and my body. She notices little tweaks and changes I can make to improve so I can lift better, cleaner and stronger. Having the spotlight makes me responsible for doing the exercises to best of my ability, every timeJ Lisa makes sure of it.

Do you track your eating?  If not, check out  myfitpal and sign up to use it!   Here's their blog with the latest myFitpal news:  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A little blip in the road.... acceptance!

New to our blog?  For now we are sharing a member's journey through the PFP!   Watch her journey unfold and feel free to share, comment, etc!  

10/4/13 – Just when the momentum starts life can slow you down. A lot. Even stop you in your tracks. This morning as I was doing a few things at the same time and my back was thrown out. I had to have my husband come home from work and take me to the chiropractor. My appointment with Lisa was for tomorrow morning at 8:30. I cannot stand up straight. AGH! This is the worst. Probably no ploys for me.

10/8/13 – Spent Friday through Tuesday morning on the couch. 

Taking muscle relaxers, icing my back and cursing this speed bump in my momentum. It is SO frustrating not to be 100%. Lisa has been so helpful through my disappointment. She advised me to focus on the diet. That was where I would be able to participate in my journey. What wonderful advice. It allowed me to take a deep breath and just focus on what I could control, what I put in my mouth, and let go of what I couldn’t, my back. Today I went to the gym and walked 25 minutes on the treadmill and stretched. A far cry from what I normally do. It felt good to start moving and be gentle on myself minus my inner berating monologue! 


Friday, November 8, 2013

Ready? Set? GO!!!!!!!!

Barbara has started journaling her time in PFP (Pro Fitness Program) and we'll be sharing her journal entries with you here!   Please leave comments and thoughts for both Barbara and The Works!  We'd love to hear from you!!!  

9/30/13 Like a pig being fattened for slaughter my trough was full of slop, never running low for even a moment, that I gobbled up over the past week. Oh yeah I start the program TOMORROW :)

10/1/2013 I can’t think of a better way to ring in fall and this fabulous month of October than to start the PRO Fitness Program. So today I went in for my consultation. I have done fitness programs a plenty. I noticed a difference right away. One of the things that I loved about PRO was how in depth and specific everything was to ME! It isn’t based on generalities it is specific to MY heart rate, MY BMI, MY body fat , MY strength, and MY flexibility. I have never started a program that did SO much testing and measuring. (Let us know if you'd like to see Barbara's numbers! ) Some of my numbers were a shocking horrible dose of reality that provided a wonderful jumping off point. Focus on the positive.

10/2/13 They have assigned me a trainer! I have been lucky enough to see and interact with Lisa for over a year at the gym. Her dedication and hard work is unparallel. 

Let me tell you a thing or two about Lisa. She is 4 foot 10 (FYI I am 6 feet tall) She out lifts me, out squats me, out runs me, out push ups me and out pull ups me and every second of every day! Lisa is chiseled. Not because she was granted great genes but because she works her *buttocks* off all the time. It is inspiring to be around her. Also she happens to be super beautiful! I know right! Then the knife in the heart is that she is super kind. Supportive, lovely and just an all-around fabulous person. Needless to say I was really excited to train with her. (Enough of that sappy stuff. You don’t need to mention to her that I said any of this.)

This morning I met Lisa for a “mini work out.” Please note the only thing that was mini about this workout was Lisa :) After maybe 15 minutes of plyo-metrics work I was overwhelmed and shocked at the amount of strength and stamina I have lost over the past couple of months. We talked about diet. MmmmMMMmmmm. Ben and Jerry, Pizza Hut and Kristi Black’s sweets (who make the BEST sugary treats of all time) have to, mostly, be banned from my mouth. If I don’t buy it, I won’t eat it. I do ALL of the grocery shopping in my house. No one to divert the blame, I mean attention, to. So I can either choose to be completely depressed about my numbers from yesterday and my outrageous lack of physical fitness today. Or I can choose to say (said with sarcastic enthusiasm that I hopes turns genuine) “hey what a great starting off point. I can only go up from here!” So here I go. I need a very tight and secure harness as I begin my accent up this mountain!

...stay tuned on Monday for more from Barbara's journey!   Comment away!!!!!!  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why bother? Hmmm....

The PRO fitness program: A Works employee and I were talking at length one day about my lack of motivation. “I do like to run, I can’t play sports and I don’t want to do another physique challenge. I am goal orientated and without one I feel lost.” After talking more we parted ways. A month later she approached me. “I think I may have a solution to your motivation problem.” She told me about PRO and offered a trade. For being one of the first people to try PRO I would get 2 sessions a week for 12 weeks in exchange blog about my experience. Let’s do this!

A Little About Me: I played Rugby in College and football while getting my masters. I have a stroke at the age of 25. I completed a marathon and have done 3 physique challenges, only walking in one. For most of my life I have been fairly active. More at some times and less at other times. I have struggled with body issues my whole life. I am seeking peace. Not a magic number. I will not have a six pack. I will always be a curvy girl because that is how I am built. More than that I would not want to forgo all the little pleasures in life to make that happen. I would be miserable with no coffee, flour or sugar. That is not what I am seeking. I am seeking to change my mind set. To silence my inner judge. To embrace health. To feel good.

A Little More About My Stroke: In 2002 I had a severe stroke. In some ways it feels like just yesterday and in other ways it feels like it was forever ago. At 25, I had graduated in May with a Masters in Social Work. Matthew Wentworth, my boyfriend since the age of 19, and I had wed. I was working full time in Portland, Maine counseling teenagers at a high school for trouble adolescents. Matthew and I were working holidays and some weekends saving to buy a home. I was also playing professional woman’s football as a defensive end. This had become my biggest passion, a great outlet for the many emotions I would gather within me throughout my day at work. I was in the best of health, working out every day. Life was definitely good and seemed to hold a kind of guarantee - a future of wonderful possibilities.

The day after Christmas, I became ill very suddenly. My doctor assumed it was the flu. The next day, it was obvious I was suffering from more than dehydration, and I was taken to the emergency room. The admitting nurse decided it was most likely drug use and would not even supply a wheelchair. My parents helped me into the emergency room. After hours of running tests, numerous misdiagnoses, they realized I had had a very severe stroke. Surgery would have to be performed, and quickly. My life was, at best, questionable.
I was rushed to Maine Medical Center to have an emergency craniotomy. I had a clot in my brain and half my cerebellum had died. The swelling in my brain was pushing against my skull and beginning to cause frontal lobe damage. I had an amazing surgeon who promised my family he would do his best to save me. For a couple of weeks my survival was unknown. I had to pass many benchmarks over the next few weeks. I am happy to say that I emerged triumpt.
During 3 months of inpatient rehabilitation and 7 months of outpatient rehabilitation, I began to become the person I am today. I had to relearn how to talk, walk, tie my shoes, write, and, finally, how to drive again after 10 months. I was right handed and now I am left-handed.
I survived my surgery, but lost so much. I lost the ability to walk, talk, tie my shoes, drive, I was right handed and my right side was dramatically affected. After three month of inpatient care I began to regain my abilities on a basic level. Persistence on my part and the part of my therapists were vital to how far I recovered. 
I slurred my words. My word recall and internal dictionary was almost nonexistent. I was recorded reading articles and then played them back to pick out the mistakes. Over time my speech began to clear. I am a spokesperson for the American Heart and Stroke Association. I would not have the voice I do today, the word retrieval, or the ability to communicate so effectively and hopefully change people lives with my story, without so much work.
I was given a journal to write in each day. I was right handed and had become left handed. As you flip the pages through my journal you can see my writing improving. Going from cat scratches to what is now a legible handwriting. You also see less and less red marks from my therapist correcting my journal. Slowly I began to learn from the mistakes I had made in my writing.
At times there were three people helping me to walk; one to swing my arms, one to move my feet, and one to make sure I was upright and talk me through it. I went from a wheelchair, to a walker, to a cane, to freedom. December 2005, 3 years after my stroke, I ran the Train to End Stroke Marathon in Honolulu Hawaii. 26.2 miles of blood, sweat, and tears that I never would have, or could have, done without training.
I have gained so much. I would NEVER be where I am today with being in top physical shape. So many people say they can’t believe I had a stroke so young and in such great shape. That’s not how I look at it. I was in such great shape which is why I can’t write this today. Why I can pick up my daughter. Why I can lift at the gym. I can do everything of every moment in my day because I was in such great shape. They say to be healthy so that you don’t have illness or disease strike you. I would add to that. Be healthy so that if illness or disease strike you can FIGHT it with all you have. 

 (Are you still reading?!  We at The Works as super excited to have Barbara chronicle her time in the Pro Fitness Program!   We'll be posting every few days!  Feel free to comment and let us know what other topics you'd like to hear about!  :)  -Millissa, Membership Department)

Follow a Member's Experience in Pro Fitness Program!

A Note from Samantha Merchant, Fitness Director at The Works Family Health & Fitness Center:

Many people join a gym, but not everyone gets the results that they are looking for.  Perhaps you are one of them.  Have you ever wondered why that is?  We have too, and we have found an answer for you; The Pro Fitness Program.  This program is a unique club service and experience used by clubs all across North America.  Used by more than 800 fitness & lifestyle professionals, this program is truly the leader in the fitness industry.  
The Works wanted to you to see how this program can make a difference in a person's life.  We asked one of our members to partake in the Pro Fitness program and document her experience for everyone to see.  Barbara is a real person, experiencing many of the same struggles most of our members experience.  Follow her story and discover what it means to be a part of the Pro Fitness Experience at The Works. 

"For most of my life I have been fairly active. More at some times and less at other times. I have struggled with body issues my whole life. I am seeking peace. Not a magic number. I will not have a six pack. I will always be a curvy girl because that is how I am built. More than that I would not want to forgo all the little pleasures in life to make that happen. I would be miserable with no coffee, flour or sugar. That is not what I am seeking. I am seeking to change my mind set. To silence my inner judge. To embrace health. To feel good."