Friday, February 28, 2014

Jesse: You work here, right?

People say to me all the time, "You work here right? You must get a free membership...that's awesome." 

I would normally have said it was awesome...if I used it. 

Now I do use it quite often and as a matter of fact it's AMAZING. I used to say things like "I can't work out here because it means I always have to be on the job and people always ask me questions" or "Every time I workout someone has to say 'Wow, don't see you up here that often' and it's annoying." Although both are very true, I have learned that the amount of people asking me questions is negligible and I workout so often now nobody can say they "don't see me up here often". Both excuses squashed just because I started using my free membership.

Now that I am using that membership I am starting to pick up on some things that I noticed I love about my gym. First and foremost is the absolute amazingness (is that a word?) of the people that know me. They all are the most motivating and encouraging people I have ever met. Everything from a "hey, keep up the good work" to "I noticed your pants are a little saggy in the back there now. Good job." makes me happy that I am finally doing this whole fitness thing for myself. Another thing I noticed I love is leg training. Years ago when I did use the weight room I loved working my beach muscles but now I really like working out my legs. It's something about hoping there are a team of people to carry me down the stairs because I am sure I will not make it without falling that gets me going. It's strange, I know but leg training days are probably my most feared days but the ones I look forward to most.

The fact that I have gotten past the above mentioned hurdles (plus many more than that) and that I have realized some of the things I truly enjoy about my gym keep me coming back. That and since the beginning of the year I have notice changes in my strength and my weight (I am down nearly 20lbs! That's a big chunk of my 90lb goal!) and my general outlook on life. 

I guess I like this gym thing, I think I'll keep going. See you on leg day!!  

True Grit- Cycling by Sandy

I went to a cycling class today, and let me tell you, there is nothing like signing up for a 55 minute class only to have so much fun that just when you start feeling tired you realize the class is over!

The instructor was funny, and I mean Comedian funny.  There are benefits to having a serious instructor whose mission is to kick your butt, and benefits to having someone who is spontaneous, free spirited and fun while sticking to their mission to kick your butt.  Today I needed fun and that is just what I got. 

The workout was as tough as I wanted to make it, I guess perhaps all workouts are, and today I found myself a little winded and well…wimpy.   Sometimes I need to cut myself some slack, especially since I’m just starting to get back into a regular workout routine after a long 8 year stint of laziness. 
In between my jogging in the peddles, sitting in the saddle , and wheezing like a an old nag trotting at a fast clip, I flashed back to an earlier time of taking a spin class 10 – 11 years ago.  What I remember was that I had a lot more spunk and energy.  That was when I was pretty fit, and I look forward to finding that again.  {PMA – Positive Mental Attitude} 

During class I was “book ended” by two regulars in the front row, and let me tell you, even though I might have been one of the youngest people in the room, they totally put me to shame.  It was fun to pace (or try to pace) myself with my neighbors, it makes for a fun and challenging experience, and it also pushes me to work harder. 
This is a class that I certainly will put on my regular schedule, if not for the good workout, and the friendly atmosphere but for the great humor and camaraderie. 

Great stuff!  

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome Jesse! Um, who IS Jesse???

My name is Jesse, many of you know me from the front desk at The Works. I have worked at The Works in some capacity for over 13 years. Many long time members have witnessed the fitness struggles I have had over the years. But, this year, I am determined to bring big changes in my life and one of them is reaching my health and fitness goals that I have had for so long and never achieved. I am hoping to share that journey with everyone.

So a little about myself. I am 30 years old from Rochester. I am currently 80 pounds heavier than I want to be. I started 2014 90 pounds heavier and lost 10 pounds before deciding to tell people about my journey. Currently [2 weeks ago!] I weigh 260 pounds, my goal is to weigh 180 pounds by the end of this year. 

I am doing this, so far, by setting small goals for myself. The first goal I accomplished was getting myself to the gym on a regular basis. The second is to lose 7 1/2 pounds per month. The third goal is to make sure that at least 3 of the 5 days that I go to the gym I am doing at least a half hour of cardio. The rest of the time I am in the weight room. 

My plan for my routine is based off of the Body in the Works Physique Challenge that I tried to do last year. I wanted use those recommendations for the first 4 or 5 months then I am going to seek the help of one of our amazing trainers to help me develop a training plan for the rest of the year. 

Let this journey begin!

-Follow Jesse's journey and be sure to let him know you're reading when you see him at the Desk!  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


by Sandy Michaud

I recently had my intake analysis with the fabulous Kellie Stasiak.  She was welcoming, down to earth and easy to talk to.  This is a wonderful thing when you receiving an analysis of your past, and present state of being.
Want more info on PFP?   Email Us!

Prior to my appointment I had the opportunity to fill out an information booklet.  Here is a hint, the more honestly you answer the questions, the better off you will be.  The trick is to be honest with yourself, only then will you be able to set your goals, and ultimately face the truth about what you need to do to achieve them.

After answering questions and talking about goals, there were a series of tests, from blood pressure, BMI and flexibility to cardio testing.  My outcome?  Well, the facts are that my flexibility is horrible, I’m dehydrated, oh, and I am on the borderline of OBESITY!  Imagine that, couch surfing with minimal exercise for eight years will certainly take its toll on my health, well being, and the size of my jeans.   I knew that I had put on a lot of weight, as the scale revealed to me the few times I actually dared to step on.  My clothes gave me a heads up too, as they seemed to pinch and squeeze in all the wrong places.  Funny thing is, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t really see how bad it had gotten.  When I see myself every single day, it’s difficult to notice the changes, especially when I’m in denial. 

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?”
“You may be fair and true of heart, but your butt is as big as a shopping cart.”

Stupid Mirror!

The battle of the bulge begins, however now that I have my BMI and measurements, the tasks for reaching my goal, don’t seem quite as daunting.  You see, I have a limiting belief about my weight (the number on the scale).  This limiting belief is one that I have built up over years and years of trying new things.  My weight seemed to always be fluctuating, yet even at my leanest, when I was working the hardest, I could never get below 162 (I believe that was a mental block too).   Maintaining my weight in the 160’s seemed impossible.   I had to be so strict just to get down to that point, and life had sort of lost its flavor and fun because I couldn’t relax.  

My reality is that I have always been on a constant merry go round of lifestyle, emotional and exercise inconsistencies. 

I will admit that it sure was easier when children weren’t involved, when I could be more possessive of my time. I could prepare my own foods and not concern myself about what anyone else was going to eat.   I didn’t have to worry about three schedules, on top of my own, trying to fit in work here and there, AND trying to find some time for myself to just decompress, not to mention the time to get a workout in!  Now those were the good ol’ days!  Although even then, when my workouts WERE consistent, my eating was always an issue. 

“My name is Sandy, and I am an Emotional Eater.”

So I’m dealing with two main components, getting my workouts in, and changing my eating lifestyle habits.  The challenge is on. 

To combat the workout challenge, I have a very good friend who is my accountability partner.  She and I have devised a plan to actually pay ourselves to get our workouts in.  It’s truly a brilliant idea, if you think about it.  For every workout, we drop $2 into our personal workout fund.  At the end of 12 weeks, we will take ourselves out on a little shopping spree.  If we miss a workout, we will have to pay our accountability partner a $5 penalty.  Sounds harsh?  Perhaps, but we are serious about making change. 

Our next goal is to meet with a personal trainer every three to four weeks.  That way the trainer can change up our routine and keep us challenged. 

I know for myself that I need to get an eating plan into place.  What has worked for me in the past is to know ahead of time what my meals will be, with meals that are pre-made and ready to go.  My lifestyle has an element of spontaneity to it, which I love, so being fully prepared is Key. 

In wrapping up, my goals for this week is to get at least three workouts in at the gym, come up with an eating plan and put that into action, as well as setting up an appointment with the personal trainer.  I’ll let you know how it goes. 

If YOU need to make some changes, I’d highly recommend meeting with a trainer, and getting tested so you know your numbers.  It’s important to know where you are starting from, so you will be able to easily chart your progress.   

Life is a journey, Embrace it!
As always I hope to see you at the Works!  Thank you for reading. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

True Grit- Trying Zumba

So I finally got off my duff to get to the gym.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love working out, and when I get to the gym I get focused and can stay for hours.  However I have been a sloth for so long, it’s hard to break out of the lazy trend.  They say that a body in motion stays in motion, what they don’t tell you is that you need to get the ball rolling with consistency, over time. 

I went to the Works and asked the delightful young lady behind the desk what she would recommend for classes.  Since I’m new to the gym she recommended Zumba.  Needless to say, it’s been a long time. I believe the last time I took a group fitness class was 10 years ago. 

Right off the bat, I can see that this class is a popular one.  The attendees of this class are varied and I’m relieved to see that ALL levels are welcome.  The instructor is bright, expressive and fun. 
I am standing behind two ladies who OBVIOUSLY know what they are doing, and as the music begins they are all off and moving.  I am impressed by the instructor, who is able to make her arms and hips flow with the music.  It’s easy to pick out the regulars as they seem to know what to expect next.   The newbies, like me, desperately watch the instructors every move, feeling and looking rather robotic as we maneuver across the room.   I, personally, look like Rodney Dangerfield dancing on the golf course in Caddy Shack (I’m dating myself here).

This is an awesome class to remind you not to take yourself too seriously.  As I fumbled thru the steps the laughter just welled up inside me, bubbling over as I knew how goofy I probably looked.  It is fun to feel free and be a little silly.  I would recommend this class for anyone who needs a lift of spirit. 
I was told that I needed to try all the Zumba classes since they all vary, and I certainly will over time.  I look forward to seeing you there.  J

Friday, February 21, 2014

True Grit- A Member at The Works now!

I was a member at the Works about 11 years ago, when I was pregnant with my first son, the only exercise I was permitted to do was swimming and light cardio.  The facility has received quite a face lift over the past ten years.  I am so thoroughly impressed by how clean and friendly the atmosphere is.  Patrons and staff are quick to share a friendly smile, alleviating any intimidation I may have felt upon entering the gym. 

When I was taken on the tour of the gym couldn’t believe all the programs and classes available for adults AND children.  I feel kind of like a kid in a candy shop, unsure of what I want to try first.  I am excited for the challenges and change ahead of me, and even more excited to have the opportunity to share my experience with all of you.

I’m sure a lot of you have similar lofty goals and challenges, and I invite you to join me on this ride.  I will be straight forward with my challenges and how I overcome them, IF and When I do.  I thoroughly understand that life changes are difficult, and that consistency and determination is the only way to carry thru to reach the end of any goal.

My journey starts at home, scheduling in workouts, and the hardest part, cleaning up my diet.  I work from home, which is already a huge issue… temptation.  Eating a clean diet, while getting meals together for my children, is so hard.  Not to mention the fact that my emotions always run hot when my kids test me, from the morning arguments, trying to get them on the bus in time, to the homework battles when they get home.  It is constant stress. 

Social eating is another battle.  We happen to be very social people, and there always seems to be another event or party in my schedule, which is just a ticket to destroying my healthy living choices with tempting snack foods and drinks.  I admit it, I am weak.

Being prepared with my meals ahead of time is always a big one for me.  Whenever I have had my greatest successes it was when my meals were pre-planned and prepared ahead of time.  Unfortunately I would rather have my teeth pulled than spend time in the kitchen.  That, I suppose, is just another excuse.

I’m not fooling myself; I know that life changes are difficult.  I just have to keep in mind my reasons for wanting change. 

If you have never been to the Works, I recommend that you take a tour to see what this gym has to offer you.  If you’re a member, keep an eye out for me, stop and say hello, I would love to hear your story, what has worked for you or what your challenges are.  I hope to see you around.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

True Grit

True Grit

Let me tell you a little about me, I’m real, and I was given a gift of fearlessness.   I’m not afraid to show my true colors, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I use my words to express myself (sometimes a little too openly).  
 My weight has been a life-long issue for me.  I am built like a tree stump, broad shoulders, thick bodied, and throughout most of my life, rather flat chested.  Not a great combination for a female who grew up in an era where being overweight was less acceptable than a drug addiction.   Of course that mentality has shifted a lot since obesity became a nationwide epidemic, though being comfortable in your skin is a lot more important than public acceptance.   

<- This was me in 1993, sitting at a whopping 217 pounds.  The scarey part, when I look at this picture, is knowing that I am just 7 pounds away from THAT!  Its mortifying!

1999, when I was in a lean phase hovering between 165 - 173, see my pointed chin and genuine smile.  It's easy to smile when we are more comfortable in our skin.

I found my weight niche between the ages of 19 and 30.  My “comfort zone” hovered right around 170 pounds, which may seem like a lot for some, but for me it looked pretty good.  I was a gym rat, going 6-7 days a week, sometimes twice a day.  Overall,  I was healthy and fit. 
On my 30th birthday my husband and I decided to have children.  It was my second pregnancy that the beginning of a Major battle with weight began.  I had gained more than I was supposed to, and after giving birth I fell into a deep, ugly depression.  In the same year as having my second child I ended up having a partial hysterectomy and my thyroid removed, pushing me further into sadness, and sloth.  It was that year that I put on an additional 25 pounds from my comfort weight, and I haven’t been able to shake it since.

This past year has been the toughest for me emotionally, I was working a job that I was miserable at, I felt like my children were out of my control, my life seemed to be tumbling out of control.  Since January 2013, I year ago, I gained ANOTHER 20 pounds.  It is truly difficult for me to look at my own reflection, it hurts to do so.  I am my own biggest disappointment.

When I take a good honest look at myself I can see that I have allowed myself to fall out  of working out regularly at the gym, I no longer ran or biked like I used to.  I no longer cared as the stress and frustration of life and parenthood took over.  I gave up fighting and fell into the habit of being lazy, and eating to subdue my emotions, constantly giving myself excuses for not making the effort.  Food is a wonderful / hateful elixir for temporary feel good feelings.

This picture is in 2011, I was in a miserable place, stuck in the 190's.  Looking back I wish I was there again.  It's very frustrating to feel stuck in a body you don't recognize.  

I am now 42 years old, and I’m sick and tired of being uncomfortable to be seen in public.  I have lost my joy and love for life.  It is time for change.

Since mid December 2013, I decided to take a leap of faith.  I quit the job that was making me miserable, and now I do what I love, I have become a writer.  It is thru that venture that I was given this incredible opportunity, to share my life changing experience with all of you.  You see, when I decided to change my job, I also decided that the excuses were no longer working for me, it is time to start feeling wonderful about myself again, to stop being jealous of those women whom I see hitting it hard at the gym, or running on the road. It is time for me to feel good, get healthy, and to make turn my currently tight jeans BACK into fat jeans again. 

Let the journey begin!  Sandy is now a member at The Works.  Stay close to read about it.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Welcome Guest Writers!

Let's have a warm welcome to our new guest writers!  Have we got some great tales for you!  

Let us introduce our very own Jesse:  
Jesse's Adventures at The Works
Keep your eyes peeled for our very own Jesse Moore's adventure.  You may know him as: 

~ Devilishly Handsome
~ Smoothie King!
~ Best Ahhhhnold impressionist 
He doesn't wear a name tag because you already know his name

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Less than a week!

February 6th was Barbara's last Lisa day.  So much to to learn on a fitness journey and Barb may already have her final "numbers" in knowledge.  Sometimes the journey is as important as the result?  Keep watching.  We'll have another member starting to blog for us soon and a surprise employee telling about their own journeys in Wellness!  Follow our blog posts so you don't miss a thing!  Now back to Barb:  

It has been invaluable having her with me on this path of balance. I have learned that moderation in all aspects of my life is what I can aspire to. Working out doesn’t have to be every day for two hours. Eating shouldn’t be starving myself during the week and then bingeing every weekend. My body fluctuates 5 pounds in one day. It’s true. Not anything to get upset about it just is. So on Monday at 9am I may weigh 169 and on Tuesday weigh 174 eating the same stuff and burning the same amount. Knowing that helps me let go.  Most days I am okay with trying my best. Accepting it what ever it may be. And let me tell you sometimes it’s nothing to write home about, but it’s what I got. The inner voice has gotten a little nicer or maybe I have just gotten better about shutting her down. It’s pretty awesome to be healthy. My numbers are in on Wednesday and that will be my last entry. I am excited. I am nervous. Less than a week. Here we go!

Barbara's Finale! There's No Perfection only the Drive to Become a Healthier Me.

2.12.14 – THE END!   So I have talked at length about Lisa and my undeniable respect and adoration of her. Let me take this moment to talk about James. Always realistic, and always positive. I feel as though he could tell me I had some incurable disease and find a way to spin it. Not just tell me in a positive way but leave feeling good and hopeful. That is what he offers. Tools that can change the way you think, feel and look.

We went through each test. 
Weight down 5.4 since October. 
Body fat right on the edge of average 25.2 /above average 24. 
Treadmill test big improvements for cardiovascular capacity. 
Push up on my toes, good form, I did 39!!! 
My goal was 40. My grip overall was lower. 
Most measurement were the similar, neck, chest, shoulder, hip, arm, flexed arm. 
My waist went down 2 inches and my thighs up over an inch. 
My flexibility increased.  
It was super interesting to note that my left calf was 1 inch bigger than my right and then October. 
My right knee was the one that was busted. 
So fascinating how the body can just jump in and cover for one whole side! So overall not huge changes, other than the push ups and the unassisted pull up. James and I looked back to the goals I set with him back in October. I wanted to do an unassisted pull up, lose a few inches in my waist feel and be healthy. So am I? 

The answer, without question, is yes. I can hem and haw over the details but the fact is I am very healthy. 

It’s hard not to get caught up in what could be and become a hamster on the wheel striving for a perfection that I will never meet. In four months my brain has not been transformed to only think positive thoughts about my body, my strength and my food choices. I am not all accepting and forgiving of where ever I might be. I fall into the pit of frustration from time and time. And please don’t think for a moment I wouldn’t love to report huge changes to you. Drastic weight loss. An overwhelming drop in body fat. A staggering increase in my strength. But this is what I have. This has been more of a internal journey. A struggle with my inner voice not my jeans. A challenge of acceptance, balance and peace. After these four months what have I experienced? Awareness of my body. Respect for injuries. My form on various different exercises. Knowledge of a billion more exercises. Joy when reaching a goal. Understanding of a serving size. Embracing the importance of diet. The importance of tracking. What the Fitness Assessment offers is many different tools to track and see changes over time that one would never have otherwise. 

My original assessment of Lisa being a amazing phenomenal woman full of power, kindness and determination was dead on. Most of all. I am a work in progress. Always. Forever. There is no perfection only the drive to become a healthier me.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nutrition from the Desk of Penny Matel! February and eating for your "heart's" content!

We have all begun to look forward to the month of February as being the last month of winter, and knowing we are heading into spring. But, February is also the month for chocolate,  and eating for a  healthy heart.

Eating for your “hearts” content, does not have to be bland or tasteless. With these heart-healthy recommendations, you can enjoy the Mediterranean approach to eating, and still have a chocolate lover’s delight.

These are some top food recommendations to for an overall healthy diet.

salmon: super rich in omega 3 fatty acids that can reduce blood pressure and protect the heart by reducing inflammation and the risk of blood clots. The fats also help keep your cholesterol levels healthy.  Eat oily fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring or sardines, at least twice a week.
Spinach: owe it to lutein, folate, potassium and fiber, those who eat at least 2 1/2 servings of vegetables a day lower their risk of heart disease by 25%.
Berries: blueberries, strawberries, or whatever berry you prefer, the are full of anti-oxidants which reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
legumes: this alternative protein source is full of soluble fiber and packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium. Add a half cup of lentils, black beans, chickpeas, or kidney beans to your spinach salad for a heart healthy lunch or dinner.
Flaxseed: full of fiber and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Sprinkle ground flaxseed on a bowl of oatmeal or whole fiber cereal.
Nuts: almonds, walnuts, and other nuts, are full of omega 3 fatty acids and loaded with mono and polyunsaturated fats. Nuts also increase the fiber in your diet, and are a great source of vitamin E that help keep your cholesterol levels in check. Aim for one ounce of nuts a day.
Oatmeal: Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta gluten that helps reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Opt for coarse or steel-cut oats over instant - which contain more fiber. And a banana for another 4 grams of fiber.
Soy: soy is another great source of lean protein. It has been shown to prevent heart attacks and is a great substitute for red meat, which will help reduce your saturated fat intake. Look for natural sources of soy such as edamame, organic silken tofu, or tempeh. Instead of adding water to your bowl of oatmeal, and a cup of soy milk.
Dark chocolate: there is evidence that chocolate and cocoa based products are rich in sources of cardio-protective compounds in reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.  Make sure your source of chocolate does not come in a bag of Hershey minitures . My favorites,  Lindt dark chocolate.
Olive oil: this monounsaturated fat helps lower levels of blood cholesterol. The phyto nutrient in olive oil mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation, which can decrease of breast cancer as well. Regular consumption of olive oil can both decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Penny Matel, RDN, LDN, ACSM-ACE Certified AHFS

Monday, February 3, 2014

Something New for Lunch at The Works!

H.E.A.T. (Healthy Eating All the Time) and GO was created to help busy people on the go include healthy meals into their diet. After talking to a variety of people who either don't have time to cook or don't know how to eat healthy, I decided to start H.E.A.T. and GO to give people the opportunity to eat healthy food all the time. H.E.A.T and GO provides healthy frozen meals and ready to eat healthy grain salads to take to work, to have at home for dinner with the family, or to have healthy food to take on the go. All meals and salads are made with lean protein, whole grains, and lots of vegetables.

With everyone’s lives being so busy with limited time to prepare healthy foods we decided to make things easy for those who want to eat nutritional meals or have a family style meal ready for them once they get home from work.  We offer meals at local market places and we have meal plans that can be delivered to your place of choice as well as our variety of healthy grain salads here at The Works.

Curious what the menu looks like?  
Check it out here:

One More Session!

Barbara is approaching her last session with Lisa.   What do you think of her journey so far?  

1.29.14 – Today is my second to last day with Lisa. 

Bitter sweet. 

She said “sorry your workout today kinda sucks.” 


Off we went. 

Lunges around the track, RDL’s, so other yummy stuff. My most favorite is a new 10 minutes intervals of jumping jacks and push ups that Lisa had me do. SO fun. By fun I mean awful. By awful I mean wonderful. I am going to miss her unique blend of support and drive each week. I can’t really put into words what a personal trainer can do for you. Lisa has become a voice in my head each moment of my day. Her words of wisdom are threaded throughout my day. My new date for my final check in is February 12th Wednesday at 11am. Goals get ready to be met!