Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sandy: Working out While Kids are on Vacation

Ah, a mothers guilt. I truly believe that the second a woman gets pregnant she starts developing huge amounts of the “guilt” hormone. 

This week marked Spring Break for my children.  I vowed to myself that this was going to be a fun, exciting week for them.  We invited friends over every single day, to hike, play outside or sleep over.  It was EXHAUSTING.  I mean dealing with my own children is hard enough, but then add more 
children to the mix and it becomes….well, even more challenging.  By the time husband rolled in from work, I was fried.   My PLAN was to go to the gym when he got home.  HA!  Right!!  

Two of the evenings I was planning to go to the gym, my children would look up at me with their big round eyes saying “We don’t want you to go,” or “You promised you would read to us before bed.”  UGH!  Heartbreaking!

I admire people who can turn their backs and make themselves the priority.  When my husband wants to do something for himself, he just does it.  Nothing will stand in his way.  I on the other hand, am a wimpy pushover.  I know that time is ticking quickly on the clock of youth, and that my children will not want to spend any time at all with me soon enough.  I want to capture every moment I can with them, even at the expense of my workouts.  It’s not smart, really, because the more I workout, the better I feel, the happier I am, and the happier everyone else is.  I get really frustrated when I don’t get any ME time and my moods go from bad to worse.  I have a short temper especially when my children challenge me with trivial complaints. 

I made it to the gym only once this week, it was only half a workout at that too!  I was mentally and physically spent by the end of the day when my opportunity to go to the gym arose, and yet I had to get out and away from the house.  So I literally forced myself to get there but my head wasn’t in the game.  The end result, however was that I was glad I went even though my workout was “Blah”.
Now that I have taken a full week off from my consistent workouts, I can feel the sloth moving back into my life.  My clean eating has been neglected, and lifting has been ignored.  At least I have been keeping somewhat active with the few hikes we went on. 

I am looking forward to the start of a new week and getting back into the gym.  I’ve missed it, as I have missed my free time as well.   I look forward to seeing the smiling faces at the Works again. 

See you there.    

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jesse: Setting Goals and SMASHING Them!

(Turn up your volume! )

Setting goals and smashing them. 

When I sat down with Devon and went over my goals I thought it would take me a very long time to reach them. The goals I am referring to are my strength goals. I told her I wanted to deadlift 350 pounds; she set the goal to 405.

Yesterday, I reach beyond my original goal. I did 355lbs. The last time I did that I was just a young lad.

I love setting attainable goals and then smashing them. It is what is helping me stay focused. I feel like I am accomplishing something.

I hope all of you are setting and smashing your goals too!!!

Check out this video I did of me reaching that first goal. (Yes, I was a nerd and decided to make a video.)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sandy: The Reps Kept Coming!

Les Mills Body Pump

I like to play roulette when I come into the gym, I say to the people at the front desk “What classes have openings?” and then I randomly choose a class to jump into.  Spontaneity, it’s a fun way to live and I try to practice it every day. 

So today I was able to scoop up the last available space in the Les Mills Body Pump class.  Well I can wrap this write-up with one word.  


I have some new respect for the attendees of this class. First of all, I walk in, and the room is PACKED!  Everyone is standing in front of a bench with a matt, there is a bar loaded with weights, extra weights on the side and hand weights. 

I must have looked like a deer in the headlights when I walked in cause I didn’t have a clue what to do or where to go.  A friendly patron who took me under her wing, directing me to a bench and helping me choose the appropriate weight set for the class.  

My Motto?  Just jump right in and go with the flow, and that is exactly what I did.  Speed and good form are very important in this class.  It’s funny because when I started I thought to myself “Did I take enough weight?” Then the reps kept coming and coming and before you know it, my muscles were screaming “Why on EARTH did you get off the couch this morning?  I was perfectly happy on the couch!!!”

I can say that in most classes the goofy grin can remain on my face for pretty much the whole time.  Les Mills not only challenged my muscles but my concentration as well so my smiles were few today. I had to focus on my form, then really hone my brain in to focus on making it through till the final repetitions in each set. 

Overall it was an excellent class.  The instructor definitely kept the class rolling and challenging.  I had a great time, even though my smiles were scarce, and when I was done I felt truly accomplished. 
Thank you fellow patrons, for making me feel welcome, and thank you to the beautiful instructor who kept a smile on her face, reminding me that I’m here for a reason and for that I should be proud.

Sandy – 1         Couch – 0                    I win!!  

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sandy- Selfie: Seeing is Believing

April Showers…

It's Spring, Finally! 

It’s almost as if the change of temperatures forces people to pull out and try on their spring and summer clothing, only to realize that the long winter hibernation has caused all of their clothing to magically shrink.  That’s what happened to me anyway…well maybe my clothes didn’t actually SHRINK, but I have to tell myself that or I might cry! 

I wanted to share a “selfie”, and some pictures of my adventures at the gym, but I will admit, I’m a little shy when it comes to having a picture taken of myself.  Pictures are a great way to see progress though, and I need to get over it and silence my self critic when it comes to pictures.  My workout partner recently snapped this shot of me, shortly after telling me that if I sighed and made one more negative face at myself in the mirror that she was going to kick me. 

When I finally looked at this picture (it took me about a week to actually LOOK at it) I was surprised that I could see muscles in my back, and some shape to my waist, which, till recently was more apple like than anything.  The fact is that I’m changing.  I mean, I can finally SEE the changes.  It’s funny, but true, that seeing is believing.  Sometimes it is difficult to continue working hard toward something if you are not actually seeing visual results.  And not all changes will be numbers on the scale.  I am proud of my progress and continue to “muscle through”.  I may not be ready for something quite as challenging as the “Physique Challenge”, although with time and some mental adjustment, I now know that can be. 

Keep working hard, my friends.  Have faith in the positive changes you are creating, not only in your body, but in your mental attitude as well.  It’s a ripple effect, and all the positivity you are putting out will come back to you.  

Happy Spring!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday Jesse!

                ***Warning: Throwback Post***

I had some one ask me the other day, “How did you get started at The Works?” I said to myself, “Self, that’s a really odd question. Why would they want to know that?” I then realized that since I have started at The Works many people have come and gone, and many of the folks that are newer have no idea who I am. There are a lot of folks that are still at The Works that remember when I first started there.
So here is the brief story of how I ended up at The Works and why I am still here.

Once upon a time, many moons ago…. Ok nevermind, when I was 17 and a junior in high school I had taken these fancy courses that are supposed to teach you how to land a job. Very interested in earning my own money and not begging for money from the ‘rents, I decided to use what I learned to get a job. It was all very glamorous. Then I got hired in a kitchen immediately upon picking up an application without any formal interview and wearing ripped shorts and a band t-shirt. I was like wow, this job thing is easy.

I realized that kitchen work is terrible and I hated it; no wonder why I got the job so fast. So I started thinking again. I wanted a job that I could talk to people and get my exercise in (that was in high school when I actually exercised a lot). Remembering that I had gone to The Works a couple times for fun, I thought that would be a serious place to begin a career. So I got an application and filled it out… I waited to get hired on the spot (The Works actually did an interview process!). Without getting hired on the spot I went home and started calling Matt (The Operations Manager) every day until he agreed to interview me.

The day I came in to my interview I made sure I looked my best. My class taught me to look the part that I was going for. I dressed so good I could have been hired as the director…. not really, I had a pair of khakis and a Hawaiian shirt I borrowed from my dad. However, I was the first person to ever interview with Matt to try to dress nice.

I am pretty sure he said “This kid is sooooooo AMAZING!!! I must hire him right now!!!” Or something like that :).

That’s how I got started. I was there till about a year after I graduated high school then I took off for college. I came back after one semester. I worked for a few more years then left to try my hand at other jobs around NH. After few years of doing that (still coming back once in while to help out) I came back on with a more full time approach and have been back for 4 years.

I have been asked why I keep coming back and the answer is simple, The Works is like my family. There are a lot of staff members that have been there since I started 14 years ago and there are many members that have been there just as long if not longer. I have put a helping hand into creating what everyone knows as The Works today and I remember fully what it was like before. I love our members, the old members and the new members. I have made lasting friendships with tons of people and I enjoy my work.

Simply, The Works is like my family.

See you in the gym

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sandy: Laughter, Smiles and Gratitude Today

I wasn’t feeling it today.  It is rare that you would find me without a smile spread across my face when I am at the gym, because typically, when I got there, I would find a rhythm and get into my workout.  

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the 2013 Boston Marathon. 

I forced my way from bike to weights, pushing myself to just make it thru a workout.  It wasn’t till the end of my workout that my mood began to shift.  It wasn’t the fact that I was done, or that I had accomplished what I had set out to do.  It was the people that caused the change in me.  

I saw three ladies chatting; their bond of friendship so obvious to any onlooker, and it warmed my heart as I watched them huddled together.  I saw a group of happy, sweaty people emerging from a Hip Hop Class.

I could hear laughter in the hall from a small group of people gathered to work out together.  And of course, I owe a bit of gratitude to the happy, smiling people at the front desk. 

I am glad that I forced myself to come today, instead of allowing myself to sit at home, listening to the wind and brooding over the dark clouds and rain.  Sometimes we just need a little nudge to get us going in the right direction. 

I want to thank all of these strangers who influenced my day, who brightened my mood and re-instilled my faith.

Trivia Question of the week:  I am walking very briskly, I pass a window, a recumbent bicycle and I hear the sounds of a game being played.  Where am I?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Jesse: Outside or Gym?

It’s that time of year; the weather is changing (Yay!! I love the snow, but that was just brutal.), the moods are getting better, and there are ten million different things to do. This means there are ten million things to distract me. 

Go to the gym? 

Go outside? 

If I don’t go to the gym it means I can sleep in, which takes away from being outside.

Plus, now that it’s getting warmer, there are a myriad of projects that need to be done. New bookshelves need to be cut, sanded and stained. My Jeep and motorcycle need a little after winter TLC. The yard, the dogs, hanging out with family and friends, and getting quality time with Mother Nature. Yes, all of these do play a role in a healthy lifestyle (except for sleeping in when I don’t need to) but they can distract me very easily from the goals I set for myself (If I let them). This is why I have decided to get a little help in the staying on track department (as well as some major butt kicking) by hiring the one and only Devon for some personal training sessions.

Her and I have discussed my fitness goals and even tweaked some of them (she is confident that I can do better than what I had).  So for the next few months you should see her and I upstairs as she helps me lose weight, get stronger and more flexible (by more flexible, I mean just getting me to the range of motion of a normal person). Yes all three can be accomplished at the same time.

Very exciting stuff and this time around I will have lots of pictures and other goodies to share with you about this section of my journey.

OH! I forgot to mention I am officially down 27 pounds. 3 more to go to reach my goal for the end of April!!

See you in the gym!

Sandy: People at the Works.

People at the Works.

I see you there, working hard, pushing yourself to a healthier you.
I see you walking to the pool, your towel wrapped tightly around you.  In your head you believe that others are judging, or worse, you are judging yourself.  Fear not my friend, you are not alone, and you are beautiful.
I see you in class, you’re the oldest one there.  You are moving with the beat and keeping time, putting a lot of others to shame.  You are my role model and I look to you with great admiration and respect.
I see you on the bike, pushing the pedals ever forward.  Your eyes are locked and your face is intense.  You are an achiever, destined and determined.  I wish I had an ounce of your drive.
I see you at the weights, your muscles are sculpted as you push them to get stronger.  You are a work of art in my eyes and I am amazed that you could go that far.
I see you in the pool, gracefully swimming in the water, paddling, splashing, breathing, moving.  I watch the wake you form and I am in awe that you don’t have to stop.  You are my inspiration. 
I see you walking on the track, moving so quickly I can barely keep up.  You are my pace keeper, my driving force.  I want to be motivated like you.
I see you ALL.  You are my inspiration, you are my motivation and I hold you all in great admiration.  Each of you are wonderful and beautiful in your own miraculous ways.  

I am honored to be among you. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sandy: Pushing Past Self-Imposed Limits!

Working out with Taz.

It has been three weeks now.  My workout partner and I have been doing a pretty good job keeping each other accountable, although we are very forgiving as we both know that life sometimes gets in the way of keeping a rigid schedule, especially when children are involved. 

Taz, our trainer, has set us up with homework to follow between visits. These are definitely not easy workouts by any means, and we manage to get thru them with grunts, groans and sometimes even a little whining. 

I push myself pretty hard when I work out alone, and a little harder when I have my workout buddy.  Though, let me tell you, when I go into my training sessions, I leave the whining and excuses at the door.  Taz has pushed me past the point of where I thought I was done, ever nudging me to push thru my Self Limitations.  Its interesting.  When someone else is watching the clock for you, or gives you a goal to push for, your mind locks in on that goal and you go.  It is human nature not to want to disappoint.

We all have our limits, and we work out within those limits.  However, what I find is that a lot of us get caught up within our own minds on how much our bodies can handle.  We start to feel a burn and we stop.  We start to feel a little uncomfortable when we are doing cardio and we think we are done.  Then we get stuck and our bodies don’t change.  We do the same thing over and over again, and we become frustrated.  We say to ourselves, “Why am I working so hard and not getting the results I want.”  The key is to push past our self imposed limits, work just a little harder, and more importantly change things up.

I have been working pretty hard for four weeks now, and I have only lost 2 pounds (unlike my good pal Jesse, who has been rocking the weight loss clip!  Nice Work Jesse!!) The reality is that my body is changing, I am stronger, I can handle more cardio than I did when I started and my clothes are even fitting better.  The problem for me is that my diet is erratic at best, and I know that diet is the only way I’m going to reach my ultimate goals. 

I’m getting off track.  Let me finish by saying that I’m making changes slowly in my diet, and will continue to work with a trainer.  At this point we only meet with him once every three weeks, doing our homework in between.  I know that the benefits of working with a trainer and my results would come quicker if we met more often but for now, this is what we have chosen to do.
If you’re ready for a change and are not exactly sure where to start, go to an intake session.  Get tested to see where you are at, and learn the benefits of working with a trainer.  There are a lot of wonderful trainers at the Works, and their schedules all vary.   Then set yourself up mentally for change.  Know what your goals are, what you wish to achieve and WHEN you want to achieve them by.   That will give you the drive to move forward. 

-Best Wishes and see you at the Works!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Jesse: Don't let Excuses Fool You!

Now a bit from Jesse about last week.

Sandy: Exercise Despite Clouds and Ice!

A Note... The sun is out today but on days that it isn't after this LOONG winter, how does a workout make you feel?  Here's Sandy on a cold, slushy day last week!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Jesse: FitWorks Results! ...and a Little Surprise Read More

10 pounds, 2 inches and 2.8% lost body fat. 

That, my friends, is what one month of FitWorks has done for me. It is pretty incredible what dedication, education, and hard (I mean HARD) work can do.

With FitWorks, you certainly get out of it what you put into it. However, Lily never let me do less than what I was capable of and pushed me to go even further. The fact that I had to turn in my diet journal kept me on track with what I was eating which is a big part of weight loss. I use to do my food journaling. If you don’t use it or want to start using it, I highly recommend it.  If you do decide to use myfitnesspal, sign up to get your resting metabolic rate with one of our dietician staff. They go over your goals and help you develop your very own nutrition plan. Doing so will probably turn out to be one of the biggest game changers in your fitness endeavors. I had mine done and it has worked wonders.
If you are looking for some motivation or maybe have future plans that you need to lose weight for then I encourage you to try FitWorks. My results belong to me because of the drive I have inside to reach the goals I want. I know all the folks that were part of FitWorks with me all saw fantastic results as well. Give it a try, there are free demo sessions next week. If you’re a member or a not you can come to the demo sessions and hear about what it entails. Sign up at the Service Desk!

I learned a lot in a month, all of which I will apply to my ongoing routines as I continue towards my goal. I will continue on and try other new things as well.

Remember, work hard because it pays. I’ll see you in the gym (oh and feel free to say hi when you do! :) )

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sandy: Out of the Mouth of Babes

Out of the mouths of babes.

“Mama! We want to go to the works!” I hear it all the time, and sadly I have to deny my children the luxury more often than not.  I am about 7 weeks into my membership (I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by) and thus far, my children have been to The Works only a handful of times. 
I asked my son tonight what he loved most about the Works.  His response was “The water slides, the racket ball and the Smoothies.”  Okay, I admit that his exposure has been limited.  We have yet to take advantage of the slew of kid’s fitness programs available, as well as the Fit Spot, which is an awesome kid’s gym.  The Fit Spot has cardio powered video games and virtual bikes, Xbox, and various equipment they can use.  My children are dying to get in there, however our afternoon activity schedule with a mixture of unpredictable weather has made it a bit difficult to schedule the time for their orientation. 
The times we have gone all together, I typically have left my husband to play with the boys while I get my workouts in.  He likes the fact that the pool has never had the feeling of being over crowded, which makes it easy to keep an eye on them, and he appreciated the friendly nature of some of the life guards who joke around and interact with the children.  The kids love it too, especially when the lifeguard throws buckets of water at them as they are going down the slide. There is nothing quite like the delighted laughter of children when they talk about the fun they have at The Works.

Another comment from my husband is that the pool area is very clean and the locker rooms are very well kept.  What he has seen at the gym (his exposure has been limited at best since he hasn’t really ventured around the gym) he has been impressed with.  Hands down, the Works is one of the largest and nicest gyms we have been to.

I find the indoor pool to be friendly for kids of all ages.  There is a wade in area for the tiny toddlers, with water fountains they can play in as well as a roped off shallow area.  Beyond the wade pool rope the pool does a horseshoe u-turn to the deeper area which ranges around 4+ feet deep, then to the deep area which is roped off as well.  The deepest part of the pool has a depth that reaches seven feet and there is no diving allowed. 

I promised myself to try new classes, one new one each week.  I have also promised my children that I would finally schedule a time for their orientation so we can expand our wonderful experience at the Works.    :)