Monday, December 23, 2013

Setting Goals and Not Letting the "Food Baby" get in the way of those goals!

So she made it halfway through!  Yay Barbara!    What are your goals for the New Year?!  

12.9.13 – You know those ropes? The real heavy ones that are in the training room at the gym? You see them on the biggest loser and cross fit. Well today I got really lucky. Have you ever done jumping jacks with the rope? Yes. You feel me. No. You have been spared a special kind of agony these afford your whole body. I love that Lisa is always coming up with new exercises for me to loathe, I mean love.
Totally unprompted, an out of body moment for Lisa I can only assume, Lisa says, “If you reach your goals in February I’ll let you train me for an hour.” What the what? Is she for reals? Oh my goodness my mind is jumping for joy. I will most likely start her session with a 7 minute wall sit. Aahhh it feels good just to think about.

12.11.13 and 12.16.13 – Motivation to eat right is flying out the window. Thanksgiving is over but here comes Christmas. The parties, the brunches, the sweets! Oh yum the sweets. “You can’t out exercise what you eat.” Says Lisa. Not what I want to hear. “You can undo all your hard work during the week in the gym by eating poorly on the weekend.” Again, and I can’t stress this enough, NOT what I wanted to hear. I can focus and rock it out at the gym. Even eating during the week but wow is the weekend hard. I have to be responsible for the choices I’m making. My food baby may continue to grow for a few more weeks.  

12.18.13 – Part 1: I have goals set for my final check. I did 27 push ups my goal is 40 in a row on my toes. I want to be able to do one pull up or chin up unassisted. I am 25.2% body fat, that’s the one we are going with. My goal is to lose 10% body fat, 2.5%. Feeling good about my chances! Ran sprints yesterday and dead lifted 165lbs today. Lisa is such a cheerleader for my success that I would have to try really hard to fail. She wanted me to start trying to see how many push ups I can do. I am excited and nervous to see. I would love to weigh in the lower 160’s but the scale is not the goal and I won’t let a number on the scale control how I feel about my journey.

Part 2: I went to physical therapy today for my knee. I know your like, wait you back was hurt now what? My knee has been bothering me for over a month, okay almost two, and now it hasn’t gotten bad enough for me to seek help. Good news is that I have not torn anything. Yet. So for the next two weeks I need to go to therapy twice a week and do no high intensity stuff. Hip hop class, cardio party, plyos, tae box all the stuff. What can I do for cardio? The elliptical and the bike at a low level. So I have already established that I hate cardio. These classes allow me to do cardio without too much thought. Plyos and sprints allow me to get cardio over with. This will be a challenge. It is happening during the holidays so that’s both good and bad! Let’s see what happens.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Numbers are a tool! MidWay Point!!!

12.5.13 – 


Numbers are a tool. Some of them are accurate to how you feel some are not. Numbers are not the end all be all but they are a measurement to take into consideration when assessing your past and planning for the future. I didn’t feel that the scale would show much movement. And guess what? I was right. Three pounds which honestly I fluctuate that much on a daily basis. Body fat was a little more surprising. It didn’t change which I thought it would. I haven’t been focusing on my diet and these numbers show me that I need to if I want any more changes in that area. Part of PRO is measurements. Much was the same. I lost some off my waist and my arms! I gained in my arms when making a muscle. A difference that I noticed throughout training was my heart rate and breath. That changed a lot! My resting heart rate changed from 73 to 67! The treadmill test I went from below average with my heart rate increasing to 130 within 9 minutes to above average with my heart rate taking 13 minutes to increase to 130. My grip strength went from above average to well above average. But here it is. The end all be all. I went from 27 push ups on my knees to 27 push ups on my TOES!!!!!! What?!?!?! I am so excited.  

My next check in is February  6th. I am looking forward to even more changes!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Just like that it's December!

12.2.13 I feel as though I gained 50 pounds over the Thanksgiving break. Yikes! I weigh in on Thursday. While there is a part of me that says, do a cleanse and shed some pounds in the next 3 days, I will not. This is all part of life. The holidays. Gaining and losing. Struggling to get in a workout. I am challenged to find the balance but I will be honest and up front about my journey. Lisa is so encouraging. Truly. She makes me feel like I can succeed when I can barely put one foot in front of the other.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lisa does a body good.

11.25.13 Forget milk doing a body good, I’m changing it to Lisa does MY body good. Yup I needed a little one two punch of my little Lisa. She changes the exercises every time. Every time they are hard. Some of the time I have never done the exercise before. It’s so fun! That’s right. I said it. Awful. Horrible. But new different and even, at times, fun. Please don’t tell Lisa I said that!

Breaking Bad... Habits


Lisa is having surgery. 

I am on my own for one week. 

Thank goodness there are a ton of classes to fill my time! I so wanted to bail today. You know those days where you just don’t wanna. I did want to curl up on the couch in my sweats and drink another cup of coffee. But I didn’t want to leave the house. I didn’t want to sweat. I didn’t want to work hard. But as fate would have it I do not cancel unless I am really sick. Or laid out. So there I went off to work out with Lisa. And it did go by fast-ish. And it wasn’t super awful.

My husband came home from the gym deflated. “I’ve been loyal this working out 3 days a week. We having been eating poorly and the scale has not moved an inch!” I am dumbstruck. “Are you lifting heavier weights?” “yes.” “Are you running faster and longer?” “Yes.” “Are your clothes fitting the same or better?” “yes.” “Do I think you are crazy sexy and have a super hot bod?” “Yes.” “Then WHY would you care what that scale says? It reflects absolutely NOTHING but a number. It only holds power if you give it power.” 

Then I feel quite proud of myself. I am elevated to a higher plain of self realization and acceptance. Me, the Buddha, and oh darn it. Practice what you preach I hear, probably Buddha, whisper in my head.  I have heard this saying a million and a half times. Now I am having to apply this to every thought that creeps into my brain. Sometimes that voice whispers the f word. And I am no longer elevated to a higher plain. Why oh why does my little brain what me to feel bad about my body? The definition of a habit is: A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. Seriously?! That could not be a better fit. Okay they say to successfully break a bad habit you have to: replace it. 

Okay good thoughts. Check. 

I have been self worshiping quite a bit lately, if I do say so myself.  Reading a lot about habits I found this great quote:
So rather than beating yourself up over a mistake, plan for it. We all get off track, what separates top performers from everyone else is that they get back on track very quickly.

That’s what I want to do! Here we go. Back in the saddle! 

Transformation Inside First?!

11/13/13 –  I am still on my high of loving myself and my body. Today with Lisa was great. Instead of complaining, yes I do complain mostly funny complaining but complaining none the less. I used sarcasm. Fake it till you make it. “Lisa that sounds lovely I am so very excited” said with a big smile. Here’s the thing it may have worked. I did everything and then some. There was an exercise that I knew with my balance I would not be able to do. So I didn’t take the weighs she had out and did it without. Here’s the thing I kind of know what I can do. I have to take responsibility to do what I can. Lisa pushes me to do things I didn’t think I could do. I have limits that I do allow others to see. Well I am starting to. I began to think back.

I remember vividly being at the mall right across from my rehabilitation center. My therapists loved to take me there to do laps so I could practice walking with my cane. Now to be clear I never actually made it a full lap around the mall but I tired. One day as I was slowly shuffling around I looked up and saw people rushing all around me. Some people doing errands most likely on a break from work. Other people running late for something or just busy bees. In that very moment the desire to rush overwhelmed me. Please, I thought, just let me rush too someday. 

I do rush now. 

And for that I am so very thankful. This body of mine I love. Every inch of beautiful me. 

Show Respect... "I didn’t learn to speak again so I could mimic unkind words to myself."

11-9-13:  I am not one of those people that can focus on diet or exercise or cardio. Lucky me I have all three. I have hit the proverbial wall. I am not entering in my food. Weights, are you ready for it, are REALLY heavy. Cardio makes me tired. I feel like taking a page from my 3 year olds book and having a temper tantrum. Full out with wailing and complaining but not all that movement. It looks like a lot of work. I shared my flat line status with Lisa. Of course she was understanding and totally said all the right things. What ever Lisa! I want to be b**chy and lazy. 

No go. 

A few days later IT HAPPENS! Sunday night I am chillaxing with some Ellen, as if I need to clarify Ellen DeGeneres but I will. Robyn Lawley was a guest. She is a plus sized model. 

Meaning she is an actual sized person. 

She is 6’2” , drop dead gorgeous and a size 12. Really?! In this very moment I am DONE with the hate that American culture puts on women’s bodies. I have been brainwashed my whole life of what I should look like and always falling short. Who wins? When I was dying on the hospital bed I didn’t think, “I wish this hospital gown would be a little looser.” I didn’t learn to speak again so I could mimic unkind words to myself. I didn’t relearn to walk so that I could run away from my reflection. This body of mine, all 171 pounds of it, fought for where I am. It’s about time I show some respect. 

To Weigh or not to Weigh?!

11-5-13:  My back is feeling so good. I have realized that with an active lifestyle aches and pains are par for the course but not injuries. Today’s question: To weigh or not to weigh. I have talked to quite a few people about this. Lisa weighs herself every morning. It helps her keep herself in check. She has a hot button number that tells her she needs to refocus on her eating. Other people I have talked to never weigh themselves and just pay attention to how their clothes fit and feel. Even more feel that the number the scale shows can make them obsessive and not able to focus on working out but rather meeting a special weight. 

Post Thanksgiving Catch Up

12.4.13 – Since I took 6 days off for Thanksgiving I decided I would be all in. Trained with Lisa Monday and today. Tuesday Hip Hop in the morning and Mira’s HIIT class at night and cardio party tonight. I could fall apart. I do all my testing tomorrow and I wanted it to be accurate. I am super tired but ready. I don’t know how but it was a great workout with Lisa. I think my body is just used to listening to her regardless of the state I’m in. Report more tomorrow!

November in 24 hours?! OK! Jack Bauer Style!

We were fortunate to have Barbara writing for us at the onset of her program but were able to start blogging a month later so as a special Holiday treat- we'll catch you up to her MIDWAY check-in!   So in the next 24 hours watch for November to fly by!  

What are you doing to stay healthy this holiday season???

From Barb:

11/1/13 – This workout with Lisa was awesome. For the first time I felt like I could do everything to the best of my ability. I had to change a few things for my back but it wasn’t a big deal at all. I feel awesome. Slowly but surely I am getting fitter and stronger.

I am struggling with my mind. There are so many aspects of becoming healthy. Eating, strength, weight, the way clothes fit, exercises, strength, etc. I can feel good about one aspect and struggle with another. The changes in my body are different then they have been before. I have done fasting, detox diets and then the physique challenge. Huge weight drop for a little while and then back it comes. With the challenge I was never in the right mind set. As soon as I was “done” I was really done. I ate anything and everything. In one way I have no regrets because I was able to spend the whole summer with my daughter and never think about what I was or wasn’t eating. The part that makes me a little frustrated is that now I have somewhere I want to get back to. I don’t want to maintain where I am. I want to drop and get to where I am comfortable. I am not dieting. I am choosing a healthy lifestyle. Great because the changes I am making are for the long haul. Frustrating because the numbers don’t drop, things don’t fit as quickly as I would like. The mind is the hardest part of this whole process. I am not used to or good at being nice to myself. Is where I was when I won the challenge realistic to get back to? 

Monday, December 16, 2013

I ran... 11 minutes of NOT walking!

Have you been enjoying following Barbara's progression in PFP?   This week we'll catch you up!   Please comment and give Barb feedback! We'd love to hear from you!!!  

10/30/13 – Training taught me a lesson yet again today! I had a yogurt for breakfast. Often I have egg beaters, fat free shredded cheese and chicken. I knew that today I would be having a piece or two or seven of candy. (It’s trick or treating and Halloween party day). So I figured that I would eat light. Bad idea on a Lisa training day! Midway through the workout I was dizzy and felt like I was going to throw up or pass out. I didn’t eat enough for the workout that Lisa had for me. I stopped for a break. I am the one who knows my body and what I can and can’t do. No laziness. No coping out. My heart rate was up to 215 (FYI: Your highest heart rate should be 220 – your age (36) = 184. Needless to say I was not paying attention to my heart rate and I haven’t set up the range on my heart rate monitor yet. I need to pay attention to not only what I eat but my heart rate too. This working out and being healthy stuff is hard work. 

10/31/13 – I ran, okay jogged my first mile straight! It was 11 minutes of not walking. The pride that I feel is inconceivable! 

Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Just a Muscle!

Back in October Barbara wrote for us and described a few more of her Sessions with Lisa!    Here's a few!   We'll be catching up to Barbara's progress this week to hear about her January finale!  

10/23/13 – Lisa’s workout today was another great one. I did some stretching at the end for my back. It’s hard to not feel like I am not going all out. A friend of mine mentioned thinks that he is fitter than most of the people at the gym. Right away I challenged him. He is built. He is also not in the best shape I’ve seen him in. As our debate went back and forth I realized that I was wrong. He was talking about the focus being on both cardio AND lifting. Most people do not split their focus equally. There is a misperception in our society of what fit is and of what it looks like. I would like to coin the term skinny fat and chubby fit. If they are already out there I am stealing them. We don’t have to be 100 pounds to be healthy. That’s just skinny (well for me at six feet tall it is). I would not and could not be a healthy person at that weight. I have curves. I will ALWAYS have curves no matter what I do. That’s just me. The sooner I accept that, for more than just a moment, the better. I want to be healthy not a slave to the scale.

10/25/13 –Today we did some circuits and lifting. Oh yeah we had negative pull ups again. Then there was an exercise that I tried and tweaked my back. I said something right away. Even before I finished the first repetition! Lisa had me try a different exercise and WOW! It was harder and I did not feel it in my back AT ALL! Not even a little bit. Not even a hint. It was a beautiful moment for me. I am not used to having a trainer focus on just me and what I need. Being honest with Lisa was a challenge for me. Once the honestly came I felt huge relief and excitement. Better exercise, no back pain. Lisa said, “it’s just a muscle if you tell me we can change it.” Like it was nothing. Super easy. What?! I finally realized that it was all me. I have to take advantage of Lisa and remember she is there for me. Here I go.