I am writing this
letter to express my extreme gratitude to the management and staff of The
Works. It would be very difficult
to find the right words to express how I really feel about what my involvement
with The Works has done for me. - Nancy Kershaw, Works Member
February 19th, 2007, my entire life as I knew it changed. I woke up that morning a happy and
active person. I loved my life; I
had a new grandson, a loving family and a career which I adored. By nightfall, all would be
had been feeling a bit fatigued, enough so my doctor sent me for some blood
work. Within an hour of going to
the lab, I was in the Emergency Room and was told I would have to have a bone
marrow biopsy right away. Well,
that did not go well. The results
of the biopsy led to a diagnosis of a very rare and aggressive blood
cancer. It felt as if everything
went into a suspended life form.
began a long drawn-out battle for my life. With the help of excellent medical care I won the battle but
my body was a pretty tangled up mess.
My heart and lungs had been negatively affected by months of
chemotherapy. The chemo also left
me with a chronic condition of lymphedema, especially in my legs. I was hospitalized several times
fighting infection after infection in my legs. Finally I met a physical therapist from Wentworth Douglas
Hospital; working with her made all the difference. She helped me get moving
again and once I was stable, she referred me to a program at The Works, The
Cancer Recovery Program. I met
with Melanie, the program’s director.
She explained the program and invited me to join the next day.
did I know this would turn out to be the single most life-changing activity I
ever participated in. The next day
I went to the Cancer Recovery Program class. I looked around the room; I was so nervous I thought to
myself I couldn’t do this. Then
Melanie began the session. First
off, she introduced me. Her voice
was so welcoming and encouraging.
As the class went on I really wanted to do well but I had been a couch
potato for so long during the lengthy recovery period I wasn’t sure I could do
it. But as each minute went by I watched
and listened as Melanie walked around the room encouraging and supporting each
of us. Her deep investment and
dedication to the program were so obvious. She displayed no judgment towards anyone’s abilities. Melanie
was just a source of encouragement.
time ticked by and class ended. I had made it through. From that day on I was
hooked. I knew if could keep
coming, Melanie would guide me through with her positive, happy and supportive
nature. Maybe even I could get
this beaten up old body going again.
time passed and I attended regularly; with each passing week, I became stronger
and stronger. Eventually I
graduated out of the Cancer Recovery Program and Melanie helped me enter the
next program offered by The Works called Prescription RX. This would give me sixty more days of using
the resources at The Works. As
time went by, I began to use the pool, walk on the tread mill and cruise the
that time, I met another very inspirational young woman named Lily. She was an intern from UNH. Her bright smile and happy demeanor
were a great help and inspiration to me.
I often stopped and asked her questions about my workouts; she always
took the time to guide and encourage me.
my sixty days of the Prescription RX program ended, I was so very sad. I had made my time at The Works a daily
part of my life. I knew my hope of
getting well would have to include movement and staying active but I also knew
affording a membership would be a stretch. Once again, though, Melanie came to my rescue. She referred me to the next amazing
person I met at The Works. Her
name is Kris and she is in charge of the scholarship program.
I met her and couldn’t believe my good fortune; I was granted a
right after that I developed a serious problem with my heart. This led to my needing a cardiac
procedure during which I suffered a complication that landed me on life
support. Once I became stabilized
and woke up, I was even more determined to get my body into a much healthier
for me, I was already connected to such a place – The Works – and I knew people
who could help me make my dream come true. Once I was cleared by the doctors, I returned to my special
place, The Works, where I was welcomed back by the desk staff. As usual, they had smiles on their
faces and are friendly as they swipe your key in.
first day back, a young woman named Kristi was on duty;
it shocked me when she said she wondered how I was doing as she hadn’t seen me
for a while. I couldn’t believe that even the front desk staff seemed vested in
my getting healthy.
each workout goes by I get stronger and stronger. Every day as I drive to The Works, I can’t wait to get
there. I think of it as my very
own happy space. No, it is not
always easy to walk on the treadmill, cruise the track or exercise in the water
but I never lose sight of this amazing gift the management and staff of The
Works have given me. I have
progressed from being in a state of poor health to being well once again. I no longer suffer from the effects of
the lymphedema. I haven’t had a
single infection in my legs in months.
My cancer is gone, my heart is pumping away, my breathing is strong and
my legs are working great.
owe all this to the opportunity given to me by the programs I’ve participated
in at the Works and to all the amazing people there. I wish I knew everyone’s name so I could individually thank
each person but I don’t – so a wonderful young man named Matt has helped me get
this thank-you out. I will be
forever grateful for this organization for it truly is all of you and this
space that has given me my life back.
-Nancy, the staff at The Works very much appreciate your kind words and are grateful for members such as yourself. Stay healthy and strong!
{Your Friends at The Works}
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(From: http://resumeconfidence.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Gratitude-is-the-hearts-memory-a-French-proverb.jpg) |
What a wonderful story. Glad you are doing so good. Keep up the good work. Maybe I will see you there.