My Gift.
(Written last week)
The alarm went off at 5:00am. As it has many times already this year, and typically I
would just slap it off, turn over
and go back to sleep. But not
Today I had to be accountable. Not only to myself and my commitment to change, but today I
had an angel in the form of a friend, my blogger buddy, Jesse. We challenged each other to make a
change by waking up at 5:00 am, rain or shine, and to move toward getting
something accomplished. Today I
wanted to walk. So at 5:00am,
right on the button, I received a text from my angel in disguise.
That single text not only changed my attitude about rolling
out of bed, it also put a smile on my face and a giggle in my throat.
Part of our challenge was give photo evidence that we were
doing what we set out to do.
When I stepped outside the air was delightfully cool and crisp. The birds were well into their morning concerto,
which lifted my spirits and made me feel wonderful.
My legs were a little sore from my workout the day before,
but the smell of freshly cut grass, earth, and spring flowers in the air
soothed any negative feelings I may have had about leaving my warm cozy bed.
Here is me, with the sunrise in the background, being the
goofball that I am.
I decided that I was going to walk for two miles; my ultimate
goal was to just breathe and relax.
I wanted to think of nothing so I could just be present in the moment.
The world offers us a lot of gifts. Sometimes we can get caught up in the
negativity of the things that surround us. Especially when it seems that our worlds are falling apart. Negativity has a way of
escalating. When terrible things
start to happen they seem to waterfall.
We have to hold on and breathe, always realizing that there will be an
end. We need to keep our eyes open,
appreciating what we do have, in the forms of friendships, and the kindness
that surrounds us. We just need to
be aware of it, opening our hearts to accepting it. We live in a world of plenty, we just have to slow down long
enough to see it and appreciate it.
Fill your world with gratitude and positivity will follow.
Today I had the gift of my positive angel Jesse, making me
laugh, and getting me out of bed.
I had the gift of cool breezes to keep the bugs at bay, and to carry the
smell of flowers and grass. I had
the gift of birds serenading me during my journey, and the sounds of the waterfalls
when I stopped to listen. I had the gift of the beautiful sights
around me, and the gifts from Nature and the Heavens above.
I am thankful for today, and every day that I am given, and
for all the wonderful people in my world.
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