Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nutrition Corner: August is "Kids Eat Right" Month!

Everyone has a role to play in ensuring a healthy future for our children. Kids eat right month focuses on the importance of healthy nutrition and active lifestyles for children and families.
Shop Smart: To encourage a healthy lifestyle, get your children involved in selected in selecting the food that will appear at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table. 

Cook Healthy: involve a  child in the cutting, mixing and preparation of all meals. Even a snack can be healthy. They will learn about food and may be even enticed to try new foods.

Eat Right: sit down together as a family to enjoy a wonderful meal and the opportunity to share the day’s experience with one another. Research shows families that eat together have a stronger bond and kids do better in school and have more self-confidence.

Healthy Habits: Set a good example to help kids have great and healthy habits. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, choose lower sodium options, and make at least half the grains your family eats whole grains. For beverages, choose water over sugary drinks, and opt for fat-free and low fat milk.

Get Moving: regular physical activity is vital for strengthening muscle and bones, promote a healthy body weight, support learning, develop social skills, and build self-esteem. Kids are encouraged to be active 60 minutes a day.  Physical activity is also a great way to spend time together.
For more healthful tips, recipes, ideas, or tips on how to reevaluate your family's eating and exercise habits, visit your Registered Dietitians at The Works Health and Family Fitness Center, or log on to
Penny Glanville Matel, RDN, LDN, ACSM-CPT, ACE- AHFS, ACE-CPT
Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

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