Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cyndi: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (or Sweat it!)

Physique Challenge

Finding my sweat! I don’t usually sweat while lifting weights and was always self-conscious about it. Many other people who I know that lift always say that if you aren’t sweating, then you aren’t doing it right. I was always a little jealous. Well I’m happy to say that the other day I actually started sweating. I was doing squats and shoulder presses and actually started sweating. I maintained a little sweat during the entire work out. My legs are my strongest body part and I really like working them. Also, since they are the biggest muscles it’s always in the back of my mind that they will burn more fat. My arms and chest just won’t come in.  [yet]  I especially dread the days where I have to do pull ups. I already accidentally did pull ups two days in a row because I misread. It was supposed to be pushups So I ended up doing them both. I do feel like if I am ever going to be able to do a real pull up or have pecs to flex, this program is going to get me there. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Cyndi: My Fitness Pal- is it Really a Pal? Calorie Reality.

Getting use to the food. I made Turkey Meatloaf this week. It was interesting. I didn’t want to add bread crumbs to avoid the carbs. It wasn’t bad in the taste factor, but it kind of fell apart. I did put black beans and corn in it to try and help. It’s definitely something to work on.

Otherwise, I am focusing on the health factor of the food even though I am having a hard time balancing the right foods. My Fitness Pall was getting a lot of attention and it started to become discouraging. I just had to accept that I wasn’t going to get it perfect. Once I did that, it was actually much easier to eat healthy.

You also quickly realize how many bad choice options there are all around you. Especially when you go out to eat. The portions are always way to big and trying to find a healthy option takes some digging. Luckily, I have my husband to eat the other portion for me…or I can take it home for lunch/dinner the next day. I always thought I had good eating habits and allowed myself a calorie splurge now and then. It’s not until this program were I really took a close look and realized that I needed a few changes.

So for anyone else struggling with the food, just know…it’s you and everyone else too. You are definitely not alone.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cyndi: Week 1, Physique Challenge

Week 1:

So I have just finished week one…well almost. I didn’t get to do my delt exercises or my DB or BB thrusts because I ran out of time. So far every day has taken me about 2 hrs. Hopefully once I start to understand the exercises more it won’t take me as long. I had a hard time with the front squats. I ended up doing a few extra sets once I felt like I had it down. Jason helped me…he also felt comfortable enough to call me out on it, because I was whining about my shoulders. It definitely worked. I pushed through and did my 4 sets of 8 with 75 pounds (including bar).

Other than that, the hardest part about this week was lunges and trying to control my protein. I eat healthy, now it’s about eating the right healthy stuff at the right time. Usually I would just have a bowl of cereal if I came home late, but now I have to make sure I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. So far I haven’t been that tempted. I did have to make a red velvet cheesecake for my friend’s birthday and I had to have a friend over to help supervise me…lol. She also licked the spoons for me like I would usually do.

I’m very excited about this program because of how much I’m learning, the support I am getting from other participants and the entire works staff. Also, the weight room “usuals” are also very nice and helpful. I haven’t met one person that wasn’t happy to help.

Let’s go week 2!!!!

Introducing Cyndi! Physique Challenge Participant's Journey Through Body-in-the-Works!


I’m Cyndi and I struggled with the decision to start the physique fitness challenge. Mainly I was angry with myself because I felt like I shouldn’t need a program and I should be able to educate myself. Turns out - I can’t, but that’s ok. If I really think about it, the concept is ridiculous. Fitness is such a complicated concept between the food and exercise - it is a science after all. The first thing I noticed was the amazing support group. Not just the other challenge participators, but from the others in the weight room in general. I’ve only been made fun of once for my bench press weight…oh and once for my front squats…but it was all in good fun. Overall, all of them are super nice and willing to help.

My overall goal is to lose weight and tone up. Those may seem simple, but I have struggled with losing weigh for a while. I have tried for a while, but always fell off the wagon because I saw no results. I hoping that this program will turn it all around for me.

I hope that my success can be an inspiration for future challenge participants and that I can help motivate the current ones as they motivate me.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sandy on Embracing 40! (Happy Belated Birthday Sandy!)

Embracing 40

Well, more accurately, 42, but shhhh, don’t tell anyone. 

One day last week was my birthday.  I went into the Works at 5:30am to start my day, and much to my surprise, I was greeted with a “Happy Birthday”.  I was very surprised and delighted that my co-workers were actually going out of their way to track me down to wish me a happy birthday and even give me warm hugs.  I was even more surprised and completely humbled when my friend Susan from the Fitworks program brought me a gift!   

 I have finally defined myself, who I want to be in this world, and what I want to do.  I opened my eyes to all the beauty and kindness that surrounds me.  I couldn’t see it all for a long time because when you dwell on self pity, be it because of age, or aches and pains, then your eyes tend to focus on all the little negatives.  And trust me, there are plenty of negatives that will creep in if you’re in a negative place.
I am overwhelmed by the feeling of gratitude.  I am thankful for my job and all the wonderful people who surround me.  I get a wonderful feeling of kindness and acceptance from fellow employess, and from some of the patrons as well. 

I could sit and dwell in self pity for all the things I have yet to accomplish (and every so often I do) though when I sit back and really take a good look at the big picture I have to say that I am a very lucky lady.  I have my health, I have wonderful friends, I have a fun job and a terrific family.  Life is a journey and we should embrace every day , being grateful for the gifts we are given in one form or another.  We all have so many things to be thankful for, we just need to open our eyes and take a good look. 

Fall is right around the corner, the biggest season of change.  Embrace it my friends, make plans, and set your goals.  It is my favorite time of year and always inspires me to start new things.  I believe it is the perfect time to set short term goals that are to be reached before the end of the year.
It is also a time to set ourselves into high gear with our workouts to prevent the hibernation weight from creeping on.  Buckle up folks, because its going to be a cold one this year.  Don’t let the weather keep you from staying healthy.

As always I wish you the best, and I hope to see you around.   

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nutrition Corner: Happy National Breakfast Month

Happy National Breakfast Month

With our fast-paced lifestyles, breakfast is often neglected or skipped.  Breakfast should be the first meal of the day as a way to feed your body with nourishment, spark your metabolism, give you energy and get your brain functioning. The word breakfast literally means breaking the fast after one has not eaten since the night before.

September is National Breakfast Month and this annual campaign emphasizes the importance of eating a healthy breakfast every day. This holiday celebrates many different types of breakfast from around the world. Don’t make breakfast a low priority.  Wake up to a healthy breakfast as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. So celebrate National Breakfast Month by starting your day with a healthy breakfast.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas
*Breakfast taco: scramble 2 egg whites (or one whole egg). Serve eggs, salsa, and low-fat cheese in corn tortilla.

*breakfast parfait: 6-8 oz plain Greek yogurt, low-fat granola and fruit

*peanut butter sandwhich: natural peanut butter and all natural jam or jelly on Trader Joes sourdough bread. Add a banana for a dose of potassium

*oatmeal made with almond milk, topped with dried cranberries or fresh fruit, and slivered almonds

If you are one of the many people who don’t make breakfast a priority, start this month by making breakfast a routine.

*For breakfast ideas and recipes contact-

Penny Glanville Matel, RDN, LDN, ACSM-CPT, ACE-AHFS, ACE-CPT

Monday, September 1, 2014

Jesse: Fall is in the Air!

Sniff, sniff, sniff…. is that fall in the air? It smells like pumpkin spice and everything nice. I love me some pumpkin spice coffee, don’t judge.

Fall is here but where did my summer go? Who knew that dedicating myself to creating a better life would also mean that time would fly by. Summer classes taking away most of my yearly adventure time I feel like I am just getting started and now I have to return back to the books for the fall semester.
It is a lot more quiet now that all the young kids are back in school (don’t pretend you didn’t just nod your head and say ‘Thank Goodness’) so we can all really focus on our health and physiques before the holidays get here and ruin everything.

If only it were that easy, right? I know I have several classes this semester and me being the dedicated student that I am means that most of every day is filled with blocks of study or class time. So full, in fact, that if I am not at the gym by 530 every morning this semester then I can kiss an opportunity to crush a workout goodbye.
Such is the sacrifice I have to make right now. There is no opportunity to say ‘eh, I can do it tomorrow’ and if there was I wouldn’t feel right taking it.

My goals this fall is to continue to lose body fat even in the face of upcoming holidays. My first attainable step for that goal is getting in my workouts even if I have to wake up at the crack of dawn to do it. With this step I know that I will have a good start to the day allowing my body to burn its fuel at peak efficiency thus helping me study/learn better and lower my bodyfat at the same time.
As far as strength goes I still have goals I am going to try and reach. Those still are a 500lb dead lift, 500lb squat and 350lb bench press. Although, I am slowing down the speed at which I reach those goals so I can focus more on the kind of lifting that will help me burn the most fat (that is what I am trying to get rid of after all). Devon (You all know who Devon is right? If not you may want to find her! ) and I have decided to go with a higher repetition, lower rest between sets type of routines. So I will reach these goals but at a slightly slower pace.

So I now invite you to harass, hound, poke, or ridicule me if you do not see me in the gym working out by 530 in the morning. You’re not up at 530? Well that’s ok feel free to find me on Facebook or twitter and ask me if I made it to the gym. 

I’ll be honest.

See you at the gym.