Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Jesse: Last Week of FitWorks... Already?!

Oooooooh, the last week of FitWorks! Friday is the big day to measure the changes although not all the changes are measurable. 
This week has seen some of the hardest work that all of us in FitWorks has seen so far. The best part is that all of us in the group were more than willing to do the hard work needed.Monday we did a grueling circuit that had our heart rates high (and nearly killed me by the end!).Wednesday was a very fast paced cardio session that involved a lot more than just running. Between kettle bell swings and knee highs I am pretty sure that they are torture devices for trainers to get a kick out of their clients. 

Friday is the big finish so look out for the results I have gotten from this program!! I know I am amazed at what has changed so far!!

See you in the gym!


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