Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sandy: Spontaneous Yoga

Spontaneous Yoga

One of the greatest things about being able to Blog for the Works is that I now have a mission to try EVERYTHING. I want to experience it all.  Before, with gym memberships, I was left to float around, and for the most part I just stayed in my comfort zone, with what I knew or had past experience with.

I attended the 9:00 cycling class last week with a good friend.  It is always more fun when you have a friend, not to mention the comedy antics of the instructor Joanne, who is just a delight.
I will admit that I had a rough emotional morning and truly wasn’t in the mood, for ANYTHING.  Having my pal there kept me accountable, and by the end of class, the disturbance in my brain from the mornings events had cleared and the smile had returned to my face.

After class we had some extra time and decided to join in on the 10:00 Hatha Yoga class.  I was a little apprehensive since it had been years since I had done Yoga.  However the instructor, Vi, did an excellent job talking us thru the positions.  It’s not easy when you are lying on your back, not sure what certain positions are called, struggling to see what the instructor was doing.  Vi, was very good at describing the positions we were moving into in logical layman’s terms. 

The class was wonderful, and I felt amazing afterwards, and told myself that I will plan to get a yoga class in at least three times a week to work on my flexibility.

It is no word of a lie that when I  tell you that when I got out of bed the next morning, I was noticeably taller, looking eye to eye with my husband who normally is about an inch and a half taller than me. 
What a difference when your spine is stretched, long and relaxed. 

I hope to get to know some of the yoga regulars the more often I go.   And if you ever considered taking a Yoga class, but were too afraid because your flexibility isn’t what it used to be, have no fear.  The classes participants range from the super flexible to the Tin Man ( I fell in closer to the Tin Man Category).  

I hope to see you around!  

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