Monday, January 27, 2014

Progress = Patience!

Barb has two sessions left before her next check point!  Are you following?

1.22.14 – Two more sessions with Lisa before my check in! I cannot believe it. I am  tracking faithfully and my weekly cheat has been in check. Today I am starting to see the scale move a little. For my body weight change is SLOW. I mean weight loss. Gain is almost instantaneous!

A little aside: One of my favorite fast meals is shrimp cocktail. I love shrimp cocktail and it is so easy and who said I couldn’t eat it for dinner. One pound 320 calories. It is delicious and the protein, 69 grams, is amazing. Oh and did I mention 0 grams of fat. Oh yeah I said it. 0! 

My form has gotten so much better on squats. Also I am listing to my body. I am not great at it but I am on the road. Squatting with my perfect form I started feeling it in my back. Just noticing. Then my legs could keep going but my back was done. So I told Lisa and we went to something else. My back is sore, I maybe should have called it earlier, but not unmanageable. What do they say, progress not perfection. 

So here I go getting better each day. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

What are YOUR goals based on?

It's already mid January, where are YOU at with your fitness goals?  Here's another entry from Barb!  

1.17.14 – Finally NO pain in my knee, or back and I’m not sick. It’s almost inconceivable. I have to be conscious of making sure I don’t bend too far the wrong way and that I am really in tune to my body staying safe. Today was great. I reflected a little on how far I have come. The weight may or may not be coming off but I am getting stronger. In 2 minutes I did 78 push ups on my toes. One warm up set of 8 and 3 working sets. I got up to 30 on my second set, 40 is right around the corner. Having goals that are not based on weight is truly wonderful. 

In this moment, as of now, I feel great about where I am and what I am doing. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Baby Steps... Weaning to Once a Week!

The final countdown is on til February 6th for Barbara!  

1.11.14 – I am switching to one session a week till the BIG day February 6th! I am nervous and excited to be on my own a little more. Lisa has become my security blanket. Supportive and encouraging but now it’s off I go. I am tracking each bit that enters my mouth. It’s a lot of work but feels really good at the same time to be aware. My cheat meal was not out of control. I may get a hang of this eating healthy thing after all. We shall see. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Happy New Year (and well one day in 2013!)

More on Barbara's journey at The Works and PFP!  

12.31.13 – Sore throat. Tired. Feeling yucky but to Lisa I go. 

In the past I would have felt today’s work out was awful because of my complete lack of energy and ability to go all out. I would have cancelled. I am on the edge of being bed bound but not there yet. 

I am glad I went.

I had physical therapy after. My knee is almost mended! Hurray! I hate cardio and really need to be tricked into doing it. So I can’t wait to take classes again! I end 2013 sick but happy. Excited to see what 2014 has to offer. What a mountainous and beautiful part of my journey Lisa and the Works have played.


1.8.13 – It was so wonderful to see Lisa. All the snow storms and holidays are, for the most part, are behind us! Today is the first day that I haven’t taken Dayquil so I felt it a little for sure. I sweated. Not I have always been a sweaty girl but today was sick sweating out of me. I was doing lunges with holding the bar on my shoulders and I starting feeling sweat dripping from my ELBOWS! What? Are you kidding me? Wow good times. There is always something new and exciting when your exercising. Lisa, as always, had the perfect amount of, “keep going, you can do more,” and “take a rest.” I starting tracking again and I am SO eating SUPER good. It’s true. I wonder why food that is really bad for you tastes SO good and is little to no effort? We have started making foods that are yummy. It is a lot of work to enter recipes into my fitness pal. So our households new way of running. We pick out a few recipes and plan out the week of eating. Make a grocery list and enter all the recipes into my fitness pal. Then during the week the only thing we have to do is add the recipes to the day we ate them. Super cool and makes life so much easier! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Holidays are so much fun!

Pre and Post Holiday with Barbara!

12.23.13 – I never knew that a low impact workout could make me sweat so very much! I had a rough eating weekend. My three year old had a meltdown for two hours and I ended up having 2 glasses of wine followed by half a loaf of bread dipped in olive oil. Um yeah that’s not great. The thing I love about Lisa is that she is a person. A real person. I was talking about my difficulties doing any cardio without classes for a few weeks and she shared her challenge of getting back into the cardio game after her show. I am kind of giving my brain a pass for the next week. Should I? Maybe not but I am. This year the holidays are crazy special and I am not focusing on anything other then the celebration! Next week it’s a whole new ball game. 

12.28.13 – OMG OMG OMG OMG! I did a chin up. I did it! Lisa and I were gabbing away about something she had asked me to just try one. And I did it. I didn’t believe it so I did it again while Lisa videotaped me. I am still in shock. It was super awesome. It felt SO amazing. One goal done! Already. Lisa set me up with a 30 day push up challenge. By day 30 you do 40 push ups. So here I go. Day one, done. It is truly amazing what your body can do when you mind is busy thinking of something else.